SETUSU Constitution

Click the title above to download the SETUSU Constitution – the document that governs the structure and activities of the Students’ Union! 

The Constitution is the binding document that contains the principles upon which the SU is built; essentially, like a list of rules for how it is organised, who is a member, the governance structures and so on. All registered students of SETUSU are a part of the Student Union, which means that the SU Executive are there to help and represent you in all areas of student life. 

The Students’ Union is a democratic organisation run by the students for the students. Decision making within the Union takes place on three levels:

  • Student Body
  • Class Representative Councils
  • The Executive

Student Body

The student body is just another word for all of the students within the University. The student body is the supreme decision making body within the Union, and has the final say on all matters of importance affecting the Union.

How Does The Student Body Have Its Say?

This is done in two ways; firstly, by voting in elections for class reps and sabbatical officers. Secondly, by voting in referenda which take place on various different topics throughout the year.

Class Representative Councils

The Class Representative Councils are the ‘parliament’ of the Students’ Union and are made up of all class representatives and executive officers. The Campus Class Representative Councils meet once a month and adopts policy for the Union, as well as holding the executive officers accountable for the work they do. There are three Campus Class Representative Councils: Carlow, Waterford and Wexford.

There is one Executive Class Representative Council, which helps set the agendas for the Campus Class Representative Councils, and assists the Union in other matters, such as governance and decisions that affect the student body at large.

Click here for more information on Class Representative Council.

The Executive

The Executive is the ‘cabinet’ of the Students Union and comprises of both full time sabbatical officers, and part time officers, who continue as full-time students while assisting with the Student Union.

Click here for more information on the Executive.