Equality Officers


Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.
Promoting equality should remove discrimination in all of the mentioned areas. Bullying, harassment or victimisation are also considered as equality and diversity issues.

Equality Working Group

⦁ The role of the Equality Working Group is to ensure equal opportunities, treatment and representation throughout the student body of SETU.
⦁ They shall work to ensure that the Union abides by its Equality Policies and any equality-related mandates.
⦁ They shall ensure that there is adequate representation of minority groups by discussing and acting on proposals and issues brought forward by Ambassador Working Groups. If necessary, they shall do this by working alongside relevant internal and external organisations.
⦁ They shall ensure a crossover meeting takes place with the next Equality Working Group, and the minutes of the meetings are passed to the next EWG.
⦁ Link in with Campus officers to ensure parity of representation on the campuses.

Equality Officers

The Equality officers that make up the members of the Equality working group and help make informed decisions fall under the following remits;

⦁ Racial & Ethnic Minorities (REM) Ambassador
⦁ LGBT+ Ambassador
⦁ Gender Equality Ambassador
⦁ Active Citizenship Ambassador
⦁ Culture Ambassador
⦁ International & Erasmus student Ambassador
⦁ Disability & Access Ambassador
⦁ Mature Student & Student Parent Ambassador

Role of the equality officers (X representing the ambassador remit i.e. X=Rem, X=LGBT+)
⦁ The role of the X Ambassador shall be to represent and address the needs of ALL X students.
⦁ The X Students shall foster links with all organisations representing X students within the Technological University and any relevant external organisations
⦁ They shall assist the President and Vice-Presidents in the organisation with campaigns and events relevant to the role.
⦁ They shall liaise and ensure good communication with all other members of the Equality Working Group, relevant clubs, societies, executive committees and university bodies in order to achieve cohesive and cooperative equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the academic year.
⦁ They shall work to ensure that the Union abides by its equality policy and any equality-related mandates.


President - Mark Dunne



Campus Student Union Opening Hours Monday-Thursday 9am-19:30pm and
Fridays 9am-18:00pm


College Street Admin

E: printing.wd@setusu.com



Waterford Cork Road Admin

E: printing.wd@setusu.com

T: 051xxxxxx

Waterford Cork Road Student Union Opening Hours
9am-4pm (Closed for Cleaning 4-5pm) Monday-Thursday and Fridays 9am-1pm
(Closed for cleaning 1-2pm)



Admin Office Carlow:

E: printing.cw@setusu.com

P: 0599175620