Many students experience financial hardship while at college so do not worry about it- help is available. College is a very expensive period of your life and one in which can occur a lot of debt. It is vital to budget and manage your resources while in college as it is an expensive time and can shock both students and their families. Despite this, there financial aids that you can avail of while studying at SETU!
Student Assistance Fund
The student assistance fund is a principal project of the Student, Life and Learning centre (formally known as CHART). It is funded by the Department of Education and Science with assistance from the European Social Fund under the National Development Fund 2007-2013. This can be applied for through Student Services
Emergency Welfare Fund
This is a fund which offers assistance to students who encounter unexpected difficulties during their time in SETU. Such unforeseen difficulties would be loss of part time job, bereavement or your parents have suffered a drop in their income. The fund is very limited so it is not possible to help everyone who applies.
Other tips & tricks!
- If you don’t have your own bank account, now might be the best time to open one to keep track of your transactions.
- Be wary of loans, credit cards or overdraft which may have hefty interest rates and fees!
- Access financial information and supports that are available to you both on and off campus such as the Students Union or Student Services. Also, online sites and resources like the Money Advice and Budgeting Sevice (MABS) @ This organisation provides advice and support for people with financial difficulties
President - Mark Dunne
Campus Student Union Opening Hours Monday-Thursday 9am-19:30pm and
Fridays 9am-18:00pm
College Street Admin
Waterford Cork Road Admin
T: 051xxxxxx
Waterford Cork Road Student Union Opening Hours
9am-4pm (Closed for Cleaning 4-5pm) Monday-Thursday and Fridays 9am-1pm
(Closed for cleaning 1-2pm)